Winter Running With My Pal, The Yanky!

Winter running.

It’s cold.  It’s snowy.  It makes your nose run.

You have options for the runny nose:  either take Kleenex with you, or you use sleeves or gloves.  You can blow a snot rocket, but let’s face it, how well does THAT turn out?

I may have found a solution to this problem.

The Yanky.

My Yanky arrived with sugar. Off to a good start!
My Yanky arrived with sugar. Off to a good start!

The Yanky is the hanky you yank, made in New Brunswick (Mama’s home province), and now comes in an assortment of colours.

I took my Yanky out on a Sunday long run (10k).  I snapped it on my Under Armour hoodie pocket.

Clipped on my hoodie pocket. Ready to roll!
Clipped on my hoodie pocket. Ready to roll!

I have used other products to get sweat off my face or blow my nose into, but they all involved my hand.  What I love about the Yanky is that it clips onto a hoodie or your pants and you don’t have to hold onto it!  The material is soft and absorbent.  I blew my nose a few times on my run and just being able to yank, blow, and release was FANTASTIC.  No more worrying about failed snot rockets.  No more lugging Kleenex in my water belt.

It’s also great for my sweaty face when I am on the track or treadmill.  Yank, wipe, release.  Done.

Another great thing, I can unclip it and throw it in the washer.  Win!  It washes like a dream.

If you’re looking for something to wipe away sweat or snot and not worry about carrying around something in your belt or in your hand, I highly recommend The Yanky*.

Find them on Facebook.  Ryan is awesome.


*I was provided with a free Yanky for my review.

9 thoughts on “Winter Running With My Pal, The Yanky!

  1. Ryan

    Thanks so much for the review, Amy! So happy that you are happy! Krista & Anna….touch base if you want to experience the Yanky revolution!! 🙂 Ryan

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Honestly, the name alone is worth the price of admission. 😀

    And speaking of honesty, the fact that the phrase “failed snot rockets” exists for all eternity here, makes me love you more. Talk about keepin’ it real! 😉


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